How soon I notice the effect?
Even if it takes minutes to feel the results for consciousness state to change for most people, seeing more prolonged results might differ from person to person. And it will also be depending on the goal. For a relaxation session, it might take over 5-10 minutes. It is usually a very noticeable effect. The concentration session, it may take a few sessions to feel what impact it is having. Some other states might take a longer time to achieve, and for them, it may take weeks or months.
If results are not as expected, you can try using a different session or changeset and increase settings.
How soon I notice the effect?
Even if it takes minutes to feel the results for consciousness state to change for most people, seeing more prolonged results might differ from person to person. And it will also be depending on the goal. For a relaxation session, it might take over 5-10 minutes. It is usually a very noticeable effect. The concentration session, it may take a few sessions to feel what impact it is having. Some other states might take a longer time to achieve, and for them, it may take weeks or months.
If results are not as expected, you can try using a different session or changeset and increase settings.
How soon I notice the effect?
Even if it takes minutes to feel the results for consciousness state to change for most people, seeing more prolonged results might differ from person to person. And it will also be depending on the goal. For a relaxation session, it might take over 5-10 minutes. It is usually a very noticeable effect. The concentration session, it may take a few sessions to feel what impact it is having. Some other states might take a longer time to achieve, and for them, it may take weeks or months.
If results are not as expected, you can try using a different session or changeset and increase settings.
Benefits of meditation
Thousands of studies have shown that meditation can enhance a persons' physical and emotional well-being. Learning how to achieve a meditative state for most people usually takes long practice and dedication, and many people give up, saying that meditation is not probably for them. The Light Assisted Meditation device uses technology to take you to a deeply relaxed state in minutes. It is so powerful that your brain, stimulated by light and sound, quickly tunes into a state that usually only long-term meditators achieve.
Positive emotional effects
Our lights' programs can help you to regulate " happy state" neurotransmitters and balance them resulting in a pleasant emotional state and a calm, peaceful, and balanced daily life. It usually doesn't end right away when your meditation session ends. It helps you to be calmer through your day and positively affects your physical and emotional well-being and the people around you. Learning how you getting into this state and recreating it later can help you achieve this effect even without our lights.
Light Assisted Meditation can help:
Stabilize your mood
Boost your creativity and intuition
Encounter altered states of consciousness
Improve sleep quality
Fight depression
Induce body self-healing
Overcome anxiety and stress
Regulating the circadian rhythm
Inner journey traveling
Reduce wrinkles
Overcome addiction
Immerse in Drug-free Psychedelic Trip
Flickering lights can trigger our brain to produce profound visual imagery and a trance-like state. The study done in England confirmed similar brainwave patterns as people who were under psychedelics influence. These states can be very beneficial for our mental relaxation. You can read some research article in our "science" section:
Improve sleep patterns
This effect was discovered as a " side-effect" after we conducted numerous sessions. Also, more study needs to be done, but for most people, our light ''sleep improvement'' program can help some people with sleep problems. We believe light frequency can trigger natural circadian rhythm neurotransmitter "reset" and balance it similar to the natural sun.