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How soon can I notice the effect? 

Even if it takes minutes to feel the results for consciousness state to change for most people, seeing more prolonged results might differ from person to person. And it will also be depending on the goal. For a relaxation session, it might take over 5-10 minutes. It is usually a very noticeable effect. The concentration session, it may take a few sessions to feel what impact it is having. Some other states might take a longer time to achieve, and for them, it may take weeks or months.

  If results are not as expected, you can try using a different session or change settings. 

 Can any of your Meditation Lights sessions treat my depression or anxiety?

Our Lights are not medical devices made to treat or prevent medical conditions. Even if it can help you with your condition there is no guarantee and may also work differently for everyone.  Our device is programmed for meditation and other lights entertainment and is not suitable for treatment. Also If you ever had seizures or similar neurological conditions, our " light devices' programs" might be contraindicated for you since it can trigger preexisting seizures or similar problems. If you are not sure, you can always ask your doctor about it before you try it.

            How can I choose a frequency or session that works for me?

Our sessions come with a short description that might help you to choose the desired effect. Also important to remember is that nothing works for everyone, and also our light programs don't work for one person 100% all the time.

  EEG session records can help understand better what will work best for you. If an EEG  record is not available - alpha sessions are generally good to start with. People with depression or anxiety problems may want to start with a short beta session instead. if you are not satisfied with the results you can return the device during the 21days  trial period.

Sunset Martial Arts

Disclaimer: Our Lights are not medical devices made to treat or prevent medical conditions. Even if most people will fill results very quickly, there is no guarantee it will work or improve for everyone.  Our device is programmed for meditation and other entertainment and is suitable for individuals interested in potentially improving their general wellness. If you ever had seizures or similar neurological conditions, our "compass light programs" might be contraindicated for you. If you are not sure, you can always ask your doctor about it before you buy it.

This website is a work in progress.

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